18 Dumbbell Tricep Exercises that Build Muscle and Strength
Want stronger, more muscular arms? Dumbbell tricep exercises may be your key to making some serious size and strength gains.
There are many dumbbell tricep movements that target the triceps specifically, as well as some great functional movements that engage the triceps, biceps, shoulders, chest, back, and even legs at the same time.
In this article, we discuss both targeted and functional dumbbell tricep exercises so you can dial in your training and reach your fitness goals faster.
Targeted Dumbbell Tricep Exercises
Every dumbbell tricep exercise helps build strength, but targeted exercises really let you hone in on a particular muscle to sculpt your arms or target a problem area that more general exercises aren’t hitting.
Keep reading to see some of the most effective targeted dumbbell tricep exercises you can implement today that will have you on your way to the arms of your dreams.
1) Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
- Holding a dumbbell with both hands, raise it above your head (you can hold the handle of the dumbbell or cup the end of the weight in both hands).
- Keeping your upper arms still, bend at the elbows and lower the dumbbell behind your head as low as you can go.
- Contract your triceps to push the weight back up to the starting position overhead. That’s one rep.
2) One-Arm Overhead Extension
- Holding a dumbbell in one hand, raise it above your head.
- Keeping your upper arm still, bend at the elbow and lower the dumbbell behind your head as low as you can go.
- Contract your tricep to push the weight back up to the starting position. That’s one rep.
3) Dumbbell Kickback
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip with your palms facing your core and arms at your sides.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and hinge forward from the hips until your torso is at about a 45-degree angle.
- Hug your elbows into your sides, keep your upper arms stationary, and extend your forearms back until your arms are straight.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend your elbows to return the weight to the starting position. That’s one rep.
The dumbbell kickback can also be performed one arm at a time and while kneeling on a flat bench.
4) Incline Dumbbell Kickback
- Set an adjustable bench to between 30 and 45 degrees, and lie chest down (this helps keep your shoulders in a more stable position so you can perform the exercise with better technique).
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip.
- Hug your elbows into your sides, keep your upper arms stationary, and extend your forearms back until your arms are straight and parallel with your body.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend your elbows to return the weight to the starting position. That’s one rep.
5) Dumbbell Skull Crusher
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and lie back on a flat bench with your arms extended above your shoulders toward the ceiling.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary and in line with your shoulders, bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells toward the side of your head.
- Contract your triceps to push the weights back up so that your arms are straight again. That’s one rep.
6) Incline Skull Crusher
- Set an incline bench to between 25 and 45 degrees and lie down on your back (the angle increases the range of motion and forces your triceps to work harder).
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended above your shoulders toward the ceiling and your palms in a neutral grip.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary and in line with your shoulders, bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells toward the side of your head.
- Contract your triceps to push the weights back up so that your arms are straight again. That’s one rep.
7) Decline Skull Crusher
- Set a decline bench to between 25 and 45 degrees and lie down on your back (the angle reduces the involvement of the long head of the triceps and puts more emphasis on the lateral head).
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended above your shoulders toward the ceiling and your palms in a neutral grip.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary and in line with your shoulders, bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells toward the side of your head.
- Contract your triceps to push the weights back up so that your arms are straight again. That’s one rep.
8) Dumbbell Tate Press
- Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms overhead.
- Turn your hands so that the dumbbell handles are perpendicular to your body and your elbows are flared out to the sides.
- Bend your elbows outward and lower the dumbbells toward your inner chest (think about leading with your thumbs).
- Touch the weight to your chest, then contract your triceps to straighten your arms and move the weight back to the starting position (elbows flared and slightly bent and dumbbell handles perpendicular to your body). That’s one rep.
9) Straight-Arm Kickbacks
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand (arms at sides).
- Turn your palms to an overhand grip (palms facing behind you), press your straight arms behind you, and return your arms to the starting position. That’s one rep.
- Keep the range of motion small and repeat the movement at a moderate pace (pulsing) for maximum benefits.
Functional Dumbbell Tricep Exercises
While targeted exercises are great for really working one area, functional exercises offer a lot of bang for their buck by working multiple areas at once. And on top of that, they use movements you use in everyday life, so they’re ideal for keeping you healthy and active as you get older.
Check out the functional dumbbell tricep exercises below to get a great arm workout along with a killer body workout.
10) Close-Grip Dumbbell Bench Press
- Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended toward the ceiling, hands in a neutral grip.
- Lower the dumbbells to the bottom of your chest, keeping your elbows tucked into your body.
- Push the dumbbells up and straighten your arms. That’s one rep
11) Dumbbell-Weighted Dip
- Squeeze a dumbbell between your legs or ankles or attach it to a pull-up/dip belt.
- Position yourself on dip bars (either parallel or slightly angled out).
- Straighten your arms so that your body is suspended off the ground.
- Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body as low as you can without hunching your shoulders.
- Push back up so that your arms are straight again. That’s one rep.
12) Dumbbell JM Press
- Hold two dumbbells and lie face up on a flat bench with your arms extended straight up toward the ceiling (in either a neutral or overhand grip).
- Bend your elbows so that your upper arms move toward the bench close to your sides and the dumbbells move toward your ears.
- Explosively extend your arms back to the starting position extended straight up toward the ceiling.
13) Plank Tricep Kickbacks
- Get into the plank position on the floor using dumbbells in a neutral grip as a platform instead of putting your palms on the floor.
- Pull one dumbbell up toward your chest like you’re doing a row (this is the starting position).
- Keeping your upper arm stationary and parallel with your body, straighten your elbow (keeping your palm facing your body) and extend the dumbbell toward your feet.
- Lower the weight to the starting position. That’s one rep
14) Dumbbell Jack
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand up with your feet hip-width apart.
- Keeping your palms pointed in, bring the dumbbells up to your chest like you’re doing a biceps curl (this is the starting position).
- Slowly push one of the dumbbells forward so that your arm is straight and parallel to the floor like you’re throwing a punch.
- Bring the dumbbell back to the starting position.
- Repeat with the other arm. That’s one rep.
15) Dumbbell-Weighted Diamond Pushup
- Position yourself on the floor on your hands and knees.
- Squeeze a dumbbell between your legs or have a friend balance one on your back.
- Get in the pushup position (either hands and toes or hands and knees).
- Turn your hands in slightly so that your fingers outline the top part of a diamond (for more difficulty, you can move your hands so that your pointer fingers and thumbs are touching — creating a diamond shape in between).
- Bend your elbows to lower yourself toward the ground, keeping your upper arms close to your body on the way down.
- Push back up to the starting position. That’s one rep.
16) Dumbbell Floor Dip Into Close-Grip Pushup
- Place two dumbbells on the floor of your gym slightly behind your body.
- Grip the dumbbells, lift your hips off the ground, and perform a dip by lowering your body back to the seated position.
- Straighten your arms so that your hips are off the floor. That’s one rep.
- Perform several dips, then move on to the next part of the exercise.
- Walk your feet back through your arms into the pushup position (using the dumbbells as platforms).
- Bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground keeping your upper arms close to your body.
- Push back up to the starting position. That’s one rep.
- Perform several close-grip pushups to finish the exercise.
17) Dumbbell Devil
- Lie face down on the ground or on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand on the floor by your hips (your arms should be at your sides with your palms facing in).
- Lift the dumbbells off the ground slightly raising them an inch or so up toward the ceiling (this is the starting position).
- Keeping your arms straight and the dumbbells off the ground, turn your palms toward the floor and move the weight up toward your head (like you’re raising your arms to the sides).
- When your arms are as far out the sides as they’ll go (depending on your mobility), return your arms to the starting position. That’s one rep.
18) Overhead Extension Thruster
- Hold two dumbbells, and stand with your feet in a squat position, arms at your sides.
- Bring the weights up beside your head, palms facing in (this is the starting position).
- Squat down and then push your feet through the floor to stand up.
- When you reach the top of the squat, straighten your arms (keeping your palms facing in and your elbows angled toward the midline of your body).
- Bend your elbows to return the weights to the starting position. That’s one rep.
Equipment For Dumbbell Tricep Exercises
Regardless of which dumbbell tricep exercises you add to your workout, you’ll need one essential piece of equipment: dumbbells.
That’s where Titan Fitness comes in.
We’ve got a wide variety of dumbbells to choose from, including:
We also offer plenty of dumbbell storage options as well as benches, barbells, weight plates, functional trainers, stack weight machines, plate-loaded machines, and everything else you might need to give your triceps — and your whole body — a great workout.
For tips on choosing equipment for your home gym setup and taking your workouts to the next level, visit Titan.Fitness today.