Battle Ropes

Wear-Resistant Battle Ropes & Anchors

Transform your workouts with Titan Fitness wear-resistant battle ropes, perfect for slams, waves, jacks, throws, and pulls. Our exercise ropes are made from heavy-duty Poly Dacron to withstand your most intense training sessions. Workout ropes are excellent for increasing muscular endurance and cardiovascular conditioning, providing explosive full-body sessions. Pair them with kettlebells or sandbags for a comprehensive training regimen.

Transform your workouts with Titan Fitness wear-resistant battle ropes, perfect for slams, waves, jacks, throws, and pulls. Our exercise ropes are made from heavy-duty Poly Dacron to withstand your most intense training sessions. Workout ropes are excellent for increasing muscular endurance and cardiovascular conditioning, providing explosive full-body sessions. Pair them with kettlebells or sandbags for a comprehensive training regimen.

Your Guide To Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are a fantastic workout tool that allows you to train nearly every muscle in your body while also getting an effective cardio workout. These weighted ropes will give you a workout like no other. While primarily targeting your forearms, upper back, shoulders, and arms, they’ll also work the core, quads, glutes, and calf muscles. Battle ropes have also been shown to significantly improve cardiovascular fitness. Just ten minutes of battle rope training can boost your heart and lung efficiency while also burning a ton of calories. The combination of muscular and cardiovascular benefits makes battle rope training a great addition to any workout. The fact that they are relatively inexpensive, portable, and versatile makes investing in a set of home battle ropes a no-brainer. Check out our high-quality battle ropes online to find the perfect addition to your home gym equipment: Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about home battle ropes and information to help you choose the right ropes to buy online.

How do you anchor battle ropes at home?

Your battle ropes should be anchored to a secure upright beam or other solid object that will allow you to move several feet freely from the anchor point. The rope anchor should be attached about three feet from the ground. Bolt or drill the anchor into the upright and then fit the rope through the anchor point. If you are setting up your home battle ropes in the garage, we recommend attaching the anchor to the back wall, facing the main door. Make sure you have 8-10 feet of space to work in front of the anchor point. You can also anchor your battle ropes to an outdoor upright object. Make sure the upright is at least four feet high and has a depth of at least one foot into the ground. Another option is to attach your battle ropes to a power rack. Titan Fitness offers the T-3/X-3 Series Battle Rope Anchor, which allows you to attach your rope to your Titan T-3 Power Rack.

What length of battle rope should I get?

The length of your home battle rope depends on the space you have available. Battle ropes are available for sale in 30, 40, and 50-foot lengths. Remember that the rope is looped, so a 30-foot rope will require 15 feet of space. Give yourself an extra five feet of working space. So, if you are buying a 30-foot rope, such as our 30-foot Black Poly Dacron Battle Rope, you should have 20 feet of space available from the anchor point.

How thick should my battle rope be?

Battle rope thicknesses range from 1.5 to 2.5 inches. The thicker a rope, the heavier it is and, therefore, more challenging to use. Heavier ropes are best suited for short, explosive HIIT-type workouts. People with smaller hands should go for a 1.5-inch thickness, as this will allow for a firm, secure grip without overstressing the wrists and forearms. Most women should use a 1.5-inch diameter rope. For beginners and people with small hands, we recommend the Titan 30 Ft X 1.5-In Battle Rope. Men with large hands and a strong grip can use a 2.0-inch thick rope. For example, our 40-Ft x 2-In Battle Rope is ideal for men with a solid grip. Only people with usually huge hands and advanced gripping power should buy battle ropes with a 2.5-inch diameter.

What are battle ropes good for?

Battle ropes provide a full-body functional workout, forcing the body to work as a unit. The main muscles worked are the forearms, latissimus dorsi, deltoids, and quadriceps. However, you can target different muscles by changing the way you swing the battle ropes. Battle ropes have also been shown to improve core strength significantly. That’s because your abs, obliques, and lower back need to maintain bodily stability throughout the workout. At the same time that your battle rope workout challenges your muscles, it also works your cardiovascular system. It will quickly get your heart pumping to supply more blood to your hard-working muscles. This strengthens the heart, bringing down blood pressure and making your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.

Are battle ropes cardio?

Yes, battle rope training is an excellent form of cardio exercise. As well as being low impact, battle rope training offers a fun, engaging way to get in your cardio training. When you use a rope like our 40FT x 1.5in Battle Rope, your heart rate will quickly elevate as muscles demand more energy to meet the challenge of the exercise. This makes your heart stronger, allowing it to push out more blood with every pump.

Can you use battle ropes at home?

Yes, you can use battle ropes at home. In fact, they represent a very cost-effective home cardio equipment option. For a fraction of the price of a treadmill, rowing machine, or exercise bike, you get a compact, portable training tool that will give you an awesome cardio workout while also working the muscles of your upper and lower body. You will need an anchor to secure your battle rope to the wall of your home gym. Titan Fitness provides a range of options for your home battle ropes, including the Rack Mounted Infinity Rope Pulley System.

Do battle ropes build muscle?

Yes, battle ropes do build muscle. However, you need to use them in a purposeful way to bring about any significant muscle gains. When you first use battle ropes, you will experience some muscle and strength gains as your body adjusts to the new training stress of the exercise. Unless you increase the resistance, though, those gains will stop. To increase battle rope resistance, you can do three things: Move closer to the anchor point. This creates more rope mass in every wave or repetition. Move the ropes over a greater distance with each wave. Increase the weight of the battle rope.

How many calories do battle ropes burn?

A recent study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that 10 minutes of HIIT-style cardio burned an average of 112 calories in just 10 minutes. The training consisted of 15 seconds of intense work followed by 45 seconds of rest, for a total work time of just two and a half minutes. That compares very favorably to such calorie-burning activities as running on a treadmill, using an exercise bike or rowing machine.

Are battle ropes low-impact?

Yes, battle ropes are a low-impact form of exercise. Battle rope training is a closed chain exercise where your feet remain firmly planted on the floor throughout the entire exercise. That means that there is none of the joint stress from foot impact that you get with exercises like running, plyometrics and rope jumping. Investing in a home battle rope will add a new dimension to your home gym workouts. Battle rope training will deliver a challenging, engaging functional training option at a fraction of the cost of traditional cardio machines. Whether you want to torch body fat, boost your cardio fitness, strengthen your muscles, add lean mass, or all of the above, battle rope training will get you to your goal faster and more economically.