Boxing Equipment

Punching Bags, Boxing Stands & More

Take your workout to the next level with home boxing equipment from Titan Fitness. We provide an excellent lineup of boxing equipment, including punching bags and boxing stands. You always get free shipping on all orders.

Take your workout to the next level with home boxing equipment from Titan Fitness. We provide an excellent lineup of boxing equipment, including punching bags and boxing stands. You always get free shipping on all orders.

Quality Boxing Equipment

Whether you're training to be a boxer, or adding boxing moves to your workout regimen, boxing is ideal for strength-building and overall conditioning. While the first thing that comes to mind is gloves, boxing equipment can also include a wide range of training accessories. These include protectors (including mouth and chest guards), plus at least one type of punching bag. You'll also want to look for accessories that can amp up and improve the quality of your routine. Titan Fitness offers a Dual Station Boxing Stand that is ideal if you're training because it allows you to attach either a speed bag or a heavy bag to suit your regimen. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about boxing equipment and information to help you choose the right boxing equipment for your home gym.

What Boxing Equipment Do I Need?

Here are some of the essential items you'll need to start a boxing regimen: Boxing gloves: Before buying this essential piece of boxing training gear, you'll want to do your homework. As a rule of thumb, the more padding in the glove, the more protected your hands and wrists will be. And while heavier gloves may decrease your punching speeds, they're ideal for strength training, while lighter gloves are great for speed training. Hand wraps: The ultimate protective wear for your hands, hand wraps can prevent injury to the bones and muscles in your hands, wrists, and knuckles. Plus, a good set of hand wraps will absorb sweat and moisture so your boxing gloves will last longer. Mouth guard: Whether you're a newbie or an old pro, a mouth guard is essential to protect your teeth. Mouth guards can also protect your lips from getting split. Chest and groin protectors: These are essential for absorbing shock to the body and can help prevent serious injuries. This Muay Thai Shield from Titan Fitness features a shock-resistant cushion that's built to take heavy punches. And for extra protection, these Muay Thai Pads have thick padding to reduce risks while maximizing your training. Punching bag: There's a wide variety of punching bags on the market, and many enthusiasts have more than one. For home gym users, having a heavy bag is essential, as it will take the place of a sparring partner. A basic heavy punching bag usually weighs between 70-150 pounds and is made of leather, vinyl, or canvas. This Muay Thai Heavy Bag from Titan Fitness is a great all-around heavy bag that's durable enough to last for years. For strength-building workouts, you can choose a bag that's specially constructed for heavy-handed kicks and punches, such as this Power Strike Punching Bag. Skipping rope: A gym version of the old-fashioned jump rope or speed rope is used to coordinate balance and footwork while warming up muscles and joints. By using a 'boxer skip', you can mimic the footwork that you'd use in a boxing match. Boxing shoes: While manufacturers make specially designed boxing boots, your regular gym shoes should work fine if you add a few boxing exercises to your workout regimen. But if you're planning to get involved with amateur or pro boxing, you'll want to invest in a durable pair of boxing boots.

What do I need to set up my boxing equipment?

Before setting up your boxing gym equipment, you'll need a large space for your boxing gear, with enough room to do all the exercises in your workout regimen. You can also hang it from a wall mount or ceiling stud, but make sure that your wall and ceiling can support the weight without damage to the drywall. If you have heavy beams, they might be able to support it, but be sure to ask a construction professional beforehand. This Adjustable Heavy Bag Boxing Stand from Titan Fitness offers a great option for hanging your punching bag, without damaging your ceiling beams.

Which boxing exercises should I do?

You'll want to learn some effective exercises to put into your daily regimen. A basic boxing beginner's workout should include a variety of routine exercises, including: Running in place, Squats, Pushups, Jumping jacks, Lunges, Jump lunges. Once you're ready to put on your gloves and start punching, your daily routine should include: Jabs: Start by standing with your feet at shoulder-width and move them slightly more apart. This is the classic boxing stance. For jabs, lead with your left foot staggered in front and your fists protecting your face. Rotate your right hip forward, pivot on your right foot, and shift your weight forward, extending your right arm forward in a punch (with your palm facing down). Follow through by snapping your right fist back to your face. If you're left-handed, reverse sides and use your left hand for jabs. Cross punches: Stand in a boxer’s stance with your left foot staggered in front, rotate your right hip forward, pivot on your right foot, shift your weight forward, and extend your right arm forward in a punch, with your palm face down. Follow through by snapping your right fist back to your face. If you're left-handed, reverse sides and use your left fist for punches. Hooks: Stand in a boxer’s stance, then bend your left arm at a 90-degree angle. Swing as if you were punching an opponent’s jaw, then pivot so your knee and hips face to the right. If you're left-handed, use your right arm and pivot your knee and hips to the left. Uppercuts: Stand in a boxing stance, then rotate your right hip forward. Pivot the ball of your right foot, then swing your right hand up as if you’re punching someone in the chin. Keep protecting your own chin with your left hand. Reverse the position if you're left-handed. Bob and weave routines: Begin by bending your knees so it’s easy to bob up and down. Lower your body so your opponent’s punches can pass over your head. Moving from your waist, shoulders, and head, lean back and forth from one side to the other so you can escape punches from your opponent. Shadowboxing (with and without weights): You can create your own shadowboxing routines by combining jabs, hooks, cross punches, and uppercuts, mixing them up for better speed and accuracy. By checking out videos on YouTube and other sites, you can get some great ideas for combinations.

How can I learn some fancy footwork?

Here are three drills to help you get started: Lateral shuffle: Standing with your feet together, step to the side with your right foot, then do the same with your left, using small steps. Keep moving side to side for 30 seconds at a time, keeping your feet close together. Do this for one minute at a time, with one-minute breaks in between, for five reps. Forward-backward shuffle: This works the same way as the lateral shuffle, except that you're moving forward and backward instead of side to side. Start with your feet together, and step forward with your right foot. Using small steps, repeat with your left foot, then step back with your right foot. Keep moving in small steps backward and forward, keeping your feet together as close as you can. Do this for one minute at a time, with one-minute breaks in between, for five reps. Cone drills: Get a set of traffic cones, set them in a straight line, and sprint to each one, tagging it with your hand. Once you complete the line, repeat the drill in reverse. Keep going for two minutes, then take a one-minute break. Repeat the exercise for three rounds. You'll find plenty of tutorial videos online that can show you how to customize a boxing routine that will suit your needs and fitness regimen. And if you're serious about boxing, you may want to consider working with a trainer to learn more routines and improve your technique.

What are some good warmup exercises?

Warming up is essential for any type of workout routine. Warm-ups increase your heart rate, which increases blood flow and oxygen to your muscles. Warm-ups also increase your temperature, making your muscles and tendons more flexible. Here are some of the best warm-up exercises for boxers: Vertical stretches, Sit-ups, Skipping rope, Shadow boxing, Duck and weave routines. YouTube offers lots of videos that feature effective warm-ups for boxers.

Can I buy boxing equipment online?

Once you start looking at boxing equipment for sale, you'll see how prices will vary depending upon the retailer, as well as the quality of the equipment. Many people prefer to buy boxing equipment online because it's more affordable than purchasing equipment from a brick-and-mortar boxing store. Whether you're looking for boxing gloves or a home gym equipment (like our Home Gym Starter Package), you don't have to sacrifice quality. Titan Fitness prides itself on offering premium equipment without the premium price. We also offer free shipping on everything, plus a one-year warranty, so you can buy with confidence.