Coach’s Corner: Coach Breezy’s Guide To Staying Fit During Quarantine

Need help staying fit during quarantine? Coach Breezy has 31 days of workouts to help keep you in shape!
DAY 1:
- 3 Sets:
- 5 Tuck Jumps
- 10 Side Plank Rotations
- 30 second Wall Sit
A1) Single Arm DB Bench Press @3131; 8-10reps; rest :30 x 3 sets
A2) Single Arm DB Row @10X2; 8-10/arm; rest :30 x 3 sets
B) 2 Complete Sets:
- AMRAP x 3 Min (Set 1):
- 150 m run
- 15 sec plank
- 8 Goblet Squats
- :90 sec rest
- AMRAP x 3 Min (Set 2):
- 20 Singles/Doubles
- :15 Hollow Hold
- 10 Hand Release Push-Ups
DAY 2:
- 3 Sets:
- 10 Cossack Squats @2111 (5 per side)
- 6 Seated Single Arm Overhead Press (Light/milk jug) :15-20 Single Arm Plank Hold per arm
3 Sets:
A1) Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (2”-4” elevation under front foot)
- @33X3, 8reps per leg *you can weight this if you desire to but make sure the tempo is met.
A2) Tempo Turkish Get Up
- 3 Turkish Get Ups per side. *each rep should take :10 secs to perform. #timeundertension
B) 4 Sets
- 5 Hang Power Cleans (touch n go) *Building in weight each time if weight is available or use DB :15 secs rest
- 10 Burpees AFAP
- Rest 2:30
DAY 3:
3 Sets:
- 10 Yoga Push-Ups
- 10 Inch Worms
- 10 Scapular Push-Ups
- 4 Sets:
- 250 m Run
- 8 Reverse Hand Push Ups *do what your mobility will allow you to do here. Over time it will get better!
- 4 Burpee Box Jumps, :60 sec rest
B) Drop Sets of Bulgarian Split Squats
- 3 Sets per side:
- *Perform all of this on one leg before switching to the other. 30 reps continuously reps no rest. Have the weight nearby so you can set the weight down and grab the other and so on…
- 12 BSS *heavy
- 10 BSS *moderate
- 8 BSS *no weight
C) For Time:
- 40 Mountain climbers
- 20 V-ups
- 8 Wall walks
- 40 empty barbell thrusters or use light DBs/KBs 8 wall walks
- 20 V-ups
- 40 Mountain climbers
DAY 4:
DEALER’S CHOICE – Grab a deck of cards and have some fun!
- Diamonds – Alternating dumbbells snatch Spades – Goblet squats with DB
- Hearts – Burpees
- Clubs – Box Jumps with a step-down
- Ace – Run 200 m
- Jack – 11 reps
- Queen = 12 reps
- King = 12 reps
DAY 5:
3 Sets:
- 20 Atl. Step Ups
- 20 Glute Bridges on the floor
- 20 Should Taps from top of push up position
4 Sets:
A1) Tempo Back Squat *from the ground @33X1; 5reps
A2) Supinated Bent Over Rows@2222; 5-7reps
B) Every 3 Minutes Complete the Following:
- 5 Sets:
- 4 DB/KB Front Squats
- 12 Weighted Russian Twist (6 per side)
- 8 DB/KBs Reverse lunges (4 per side)
- :60 Singles/Doubles
- *rest remainder of the 3 minutes upon completion
DAY 6:
- 6 min AMRAP of:
- 10 RDL with empty barbell 10 strict press
- 10 overhead squats
A) DB/KBs Complex (use a barbell if you do not have DBs to KBs) 10 Sets: *rest as needed between working sets*
- 10 Suitcase Deadlifts
- 8 Power Cleans
- 6 Front Squats
- 4 Shoulder to Overhead
B) For Time – Push this one!
- 500 m run
- 10 SA Clean & Jerks (5 per/lighter)
- 10 SA Clean & Jerks (5 per/medium)
- 10 SA Clean & Jerks (5 per/heavier)
- 500 m run
- 30 Dual/Double DBs/KBs Snatches (medium weight)
*If you are using two different objects that’s okay. Odd object combinations are good for training. Survival of the fittest.
DAY 7:
A) Do something, MOVE for 30 continuous minutes. Run
- Walk
- Swim
- Bike
- Row
- Elliptical
- Stairs
- Ski
- Skip
*Something different depending on what you have access to during these times!
B) Stretch!
- Get on the internet and follow someone’s stretching routine.
- Foam roll
- Lacrosse ball
- Yoga
DAY 8:
3 Sets:
- 5 Box jumps with step down
- 10 Powell Raises per arm (use something light, even a book will work) :30 Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
- 10 Weighted Good Mornings
A) Snatch or Clean Complex
- 10 working sets:
- 1 Snatch (or Clean) Halting Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Snatch (or Clean) + 1 Full Snatch (or Clean) + 1 Overhead Squat (or front squat)
B) 3 Complete Sets:
AMRAP x 4 Min:
- 30 of Singles/Doubles
- 6 Alternating Single Leg V-Ups
- 6 Alternating DB/KB Reverse Lunges (3 per) *make the load uneven in each hand
- :90 rest
AMRAP x 4 Min:
- :30 Burpees to a plate
- 5 HR Push Ups
- 5 Pronated Bent Over Rows (moderate weight)
- :90 rest
DAY 9:
- 10 Single Leg RDLs per side
- 6 supinated empty barbell strict press :30 side plank per side
4 Sets:
- A1) Tempo Front Squats *from the ground @33X1; 5reps *building in weight if possible A2) 40 Weighted Russian Twist (20 per side)
B) 4 Sets-
- 2 Muscle Snatch
- 3 Hang Power Snatch :15 secs rest
- 100 m sprint
- *2:30 rest
DAY 10:
5 Sets:
- 10 Cals on Bike or :20 secs of Alt. DB Thrusters (awkward but different is good) 6 Burpee Box Jump Overs or burpee tuck jumps
- 30 singles/doubles
- :60 rest/walk
B) For Time: Trying to only nasal breathe
- 20 Tall kneeling KB/DB Alt. Push Press
- 20 ALT. SA Neutral grips bent over row (10 per)
- 2:30 min run (:45 seconds out/:45 secs back)
- 25 seated straddle legs lifts (or 50 alt. each leg; 25 per) 20 Tall kneeling KB/DB Alt. Push Press
- 25 seated straddle legs lifts (or 50 alt. each leg; 25 per) 2:30 min run (:45 seconds out/:45 secs back)
- 20 ALT. SA Neutral grips bent over row (10 per)
- 20 Tall kneeling KB/DB Alt. Push Press
DAY 11:
A) Aerobic Work – run, row, bike, swim
- 8 minutes @ moderate pace 3 minutes @ easy pace 1:30 minutes @ fast pace 2:00 REST
- 6 minutes @ moderate pace 3 minutes @ easy pace
- 1 minutes @ faster pace 1:30 REST
- 4 minutes @ moderate pace 3 minutes @ easy pace
- :40 seconds @ fastest pace 1:00 REST
- 2 minutes @ moderate pace 3 minutes @ easy pace
- :20 seconds @ MAX effort
DAY 12:
- 20 lateral steps with weight of some sort overhead (10 per)
- 20 unweighted reverse lunges hovering the knee off the ground for :02 each rep 20 Rear feet elevated shoulder taps
4 Sets:
- A1) 1 1/4 Back Squat
- @33X1; 4 tough reps each set
- A2) Feet elevated Pushups on plates, on DBs or on rings (on anything to find a small deficit) @1212 Max effort each set for the 4 sets
TEMPO for today’s squats:
- 3 seconds down
- 3 seconds hold
- X – perform the 1/4 squat and then return to the bottom and use the bounce to accelerate to the top
- 1 second at the top
B) AMRAP for 15-20 minutes:
- 6 KB/DB Front Rack Squats
- 12 Windshield wipers holding KB/DBs overhead (6 per) 30 Alt. Jumping lunges
- *shoot for 5 rounds or more
DAY 13:
A) Do something, MOVE for 30 continuous minutes. Run
- Walk
- Swim
- Bike
- Row
- Elliptical
- Stairs
- Ski
- Skip
*Something different depending on what you have access to during these times!
B) Stretch!
- Get on the internet and follow someone’s stretching routine.
- Foam roll
- Lacrosse ball
- Yoga
DAY 14:
- 5 high box jumps with step-downs
- 10 Side Plank Crunches (10 per)
- 10 Glute Bridges w/ (2 steps walk out/2 steps walk-in) each rep
4 Sets:
A1) SA DB/KB Bench Press @4141; 4-6reps
A2) Supinated DB/KB Row 8-10reps
B) 4 Tough Sets – Unbroken sets:
- 20 Deadlifts
- 14 DB/KB Front Squats (PERFECT front rack positioning)
- 12 C2B Pull-ups/pull-ups/ring rows/pronated rows (any options that works for you) 10 Ring dips/dips/box dips/HSPU (any options are allowed)
- :90 rest between sets
DAY 15:
Straight CF Day
A) Press Complex
4 Sets:
- 3 Strict Press + 6 Push Press + 9 Push Jerks *squeeze your butt and keep your rib cage down *build each complex if possible
B) 4 Sets:
AMRAP x 3 Minutes:
- 10 Power snatch (light weight to go unbroken most sets) 20 goblet squats
- *2 minutes rest between sets
- *pick up where you left off to accumulate one total score
C) Core Finisher EMOM x 8 Minutes: :20 Hollow Hold
- :20 Flutter Kicks
- :20 Rest
DAY 16:
A) Aerobic Work:
run, row, bike, swim, ski, burpees, double/single unders, or box jumps Pick 3 elements and perform 6 sets of 2 minutes of work with 1 minute of rest between everything.
Directly into…
- 6 sets x 2 minutes of Skiing *1 minutes rest between sets
- 36 minutes of total work with a total of 18 mins of rest = 54 minute training session. *goal here is to push your limits every 2 minutes of work
DAY 17:
My Sweet Quarantine Warm Up:
5 sets:
- 200 m run
- :20 superman hold
- 8 burpees (no jump no clap)
- 60 rest
- *each run gets faster
A) 2 Sets:
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Unbroken sets curls
- *5 minutes rest between sets
- *try to go as fast as possible between working set BUT they must remain unbroken
B) 2 sets:
- 2-4-6-8-10-12 Unbroken sets of HSPU (strict if you have them) *5 minutes rest between sets
- *no resting in the bottom of the HSPU
C) For Time – Push this one!
- 10 Burpee Deadlifts with DBs (If you only have one 5 per side) 10 Alt. SA Devil’s Press
- 30 Weighted sit-ups for any kind
- 400 m run
- 100 singles/doubles
- 400 m run
- 30 Weighted sit-ups for any kind
- 10 Alt. SA Devil’s Press
- 10 Burpee Deadlifts with DBs (If you only have one 5 per side)
DAY 18:
3 Sets:
Goblet Cossack Squats @21X1; 5 /side
Feet Elevated Ring Push Ups @22X2; 5-7reps
A) Back Squat
4 sets:
- 5 – 1 1/4 Back Squats
- *tough sets with 2 minutes rest between each set
B) 5 sets.
- Every 3 Minutes:
- 20 Russian Twist (light to moderate weight)
- 4 DB Box Step Overs
- 6 DB Front Squats
- 4 DB Thrusters
- 20 Single/Double
- *rest the remainder of the 3 minutes before starting the next set
DAY 19:
A) Do something, MOVE for 30 continuous minutes. Run
- Walk
- Swim
- Bike
- Row
- Elliptical
- Stairs
- Ski
- Skip
*Something different depending on what you have access to during these times!
B) Stretch!
- Get on the internet and follow someone’s stretching routine.
- Foam roll
- Lacrosse ball
- Yoga
DAY 20:
Flow-through for 3 sets:
- :60 jump rope
- 5 SA Landmine Press (R)
- 5 SA Landmine Push Press (R) 5 SA KB/DB Cleans (R)
- 5 SA Landmine Press (L)
- 5 SA Landmine Push Press (L) 5 SA KB/DB Cleans (L)
A) Clean & Press Complex
- 10 Sets: *build only as high as you can maintain this tempo on the push press each set 2 Muscle cleans + 2 Push Press @31X1
B) 4 Rounds for time:
- 9 Dual KB Deadlifts
- 12 Dual KB Cleans
- 15 Dual Russian KB Swings 50 Air Squats
DAY 21:
A) Aerobic Work + Body Weight Hustle
- 4 rounds for time:
- 600 m run/row/ski or 1200 m bike
2 rounds of:
- 20 pushups *scale these so you can do each set in less than 3 working sets 20 v-ups *again scale to ab mats sit ups if needed
- *repeat this exact set up four times
DAY 22:
2-3 Sets:
- 10 Yoga Push Ups
- 10 Arm circles (10 per with thumbs pointing up)
- 1 minute jump rope
A) 3 Sets:
- :20 HS Hold (Nose to wall if possible)
- 6 Box Jump Overs
- 6 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs
- 1 minute rest
B) 3 Rounds for time:
- 100 Singles/Doubles (weighted if possible) 50 Plate GTO
- 40 Seated L-Sit Leg Lifts
- 20 Box Step Ups holding your plate
- 10 Burpee tuck jumps
DAY 23:
Straight CF Day
A) Push Jerks
- 5 sets of 10 reps *building each set
B) For Total Time:
4 Rounds:
- 12 DB Front Squats
- 9 DB Box Step Overs
- 6 DB Shoulder-to-overhead
- *rest :30 seconds between each set
- Immediately into…
4 Rounds:
- 6 DB Shoulder-to-overhead
- 9 DB Box Step Overs
- 12 DB Front Squat
- *rest :30 seconds between each set
C) 10 Minutes of Stretching: Pigeon Stretch
- Couch Stretch
- Scorpion Stretch
DAY 24:
3 Sets:
- 3 SA Arm KB/DB Overhead Squat @3111 (R) 3 SA Arm KB/DB Overhead Reverse Lunge (R) 3 SA Arm KB/DB Overhead Squat @3111 (L)
- 3 SA Arm KB/DB Overhead Reverse Lunge (L)
- 12 Burpees (no jump no clap)
A) Back Squat
- 6 Sets:
- Load barbell with a moderate weight, weight you are confident the clean up and put on your back each set and hold for 3 minutes at a time. #timeundertension
- Every :15secs for 3 minutes perform 1 rep
- *rest 1 minute between each working set
B) 3 Sets:
- 6 Hang Power Snatch
- 8 Burpees performed as fast as possible :15 secs rest
- 40 Singles/Doubles (SPRINT)
- *rest 3 mins between sets
DAY 25:
A) Walk/Run with weight for 40 continuous minutes.
*Hiking would be ideal here with a vest or a backpack with weight in it. Go outside and just move for 40 minutes!
DAY 26:
Warm-Up that you will not see as a warmup:
A) 50 Alt. Turkish Get Ups with DB/KB/Barbell
- Do not rush these, make every rep clean and hit all key positions of this movement.
- I do not care if you start standing or on your back.
B) AMRAP for 20 Minutes:
- 250 m Run
- 100 m Farmers Carry
- 15 KB/DB thrusters (lighter side)
DAY 27:
Grab your watch, headphones, and head outside! AEROBIC WORK! *learn what these paces are for YOU!
- 6 min moderate pace :60 sec walk
- :60 sec fast pace
- :60 sec easy pace
- 5 min moderate pace :50 sec walk pace :50 sec fast pace
- :50 easy pace
- 4 min moderate pace :40 sec walk pace :40 sec fast pace
- :40 easy pace
- 3 min moderate pace :30 sec walk pace :30 sec fast pace
- :30 easy pace
- 2 min moderate pace :20 sec walk pace :20 sec fast pace
- :20 easy pace
- 1 min moderate pace :10 sec walk pace :10 sec fast pace
- :10 easy pace
DAY 28:
1 time through:
- 2:30 minute run
- :60 rest
- 2:30 Half kneeling Strict Press (switch arms halfway) :60 rest
- 2:30 No push up burpees
- :60 rest
- 2:30 Farmers Carry
10 minutes @85% effort:
- 7 SA KB Push Press (R)
- 2 Turkish Get Ups (R)
- 7 SA KB Push Press (L)
- 2 Turkish Get Ups (L)
- 3 minutes rest
10 minutes @85% effort:
- 5 SA Front Rack Squats (R) *:02 pause in the bottom of ALL squats 5 SA Front Rack Squats (L)
- 15 Russian KBS
- 50 Singles/Doubles
- *You should be able to stay moving. Never reach the breaking point, steady through each AMRAP.
DAY 29:
A) Active Recovery “Ish” Day 10 minutes of burpees
- *every 2 mins perform a :20sec nose-to-wall handstand hold
- 15 minutes of body-weight step ups
- *every 3 minutes perform :20 side plank per side
- 10 minutes of jumping jacks
- *every 2 minutes stop to perform a :20 superman hold
- *All of this should be done at an easy effort. Get the blood flowing and the heart rate up slightly.
DAY 30:
Six 3:10 – minute AMRAPS in 24 Minutes:
AMRAP in 3:10 Minutes:
- 3 Power Snatch
- 7 Push Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- *1 minute rest REPEAT
DAY 31:
“14 Days of Rona”
- 7 Rounds:
- 19 Wall Balls
- 9 DB Clean & Jerks
- 19 Box Jumps
- 19 DB Snatches
- 19 Burpees