The Titan Fitness Challenge – Week 4

Now starts the home stretch of the Titan Fitness Challenge – Week 4. When you finish this week, you’ll be more than 50% done, and can take away a renewed sense of motivation. Don’t give up now!
If you’re just finding out about our Challenge now, it’s never too late to get involved! Start by completing the first week of our Titan Fitness Challenge. These workouts are part of our 6-week fitness challenge, where one of our top personal trainers put together a series of workout routines meant to challenge all fitness levels. Tweak the weights and rest times to your level of fitness.
Day 1 Workout
Equipment needed:
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press | 3 x 8
- Banded Pull Aparts | 3 x 12
- Lat Pulldown Machine | 3 x 12
- Alternative exercise: Pull Up
- Cable Chest Flys | 3 x 10
- Alternative exercise: Dumbbell Chest Flys
Conditioning: 20 – 15 – 10
Do 20 reps of each exercise, then 15, then 10
- Jumping Jacks
- Crossbody V Ups
Day 2 Workout
Equipment needed:
- Barbell Reverse Lunge (Each leg) | 3 x 8
- Reverse Hyper Extension | 3 x 10
- Kettlebell Goblet Squat | 3 x 10
Conditioning: 8 Min AMRAP
- 15 Jump Rope Double Unders
- 30 sec Plank
- 5 Burpees
Day 3 Workout
Equipment needed:
- Set of Dumbbells
- Dumbbell Overhead Press | 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Upright Row | 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Curls (Each arm) | 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Tricep Kickback (Each arm) | 3 x 10
Conditioning: 3 rounds
- 30 second side planks (30 seconds each side)
- 30 Mountain Climbers
Day 4 Workout
Equipment needed:
- Kettlebell
- Hyper Extension Machine
- Plyometric Box
- Kettlebell Goblet Step Through Lunges (Each leg) | 3 x 5
- 1 rep is forward and reverse lunge
- Reverse Hyper Extension | 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Box Step Ups (Each leg) | 3 x 8
- 1 Mile Run
- Flutter Kicks | 3 x 50
Day 5 Workout
Equipment needed:
- Set of Dumbbells
- Barbell
- Overhead Barbell Press | 3 x 10
- 1-arm Dumbbell Row (Each arm) | 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise (Each arm) | 3 x 10
- Dumbbell Reverse Flys | 3 x 10
Conditioning: 3 Rounds
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
- 10 Dumbbell Thrusters
- 20 Second Hollow Hold
- 30 Jumping Jacks
That ends our fourth week of the Titan Fitness Challenge. Once again, congratulations on getting more than halfway through to the end!
If you’re struggling to finish your workouts, consider lowering your weight or resting for more time in between sets. If you feel like giving up, remember how far you’ve come to make it to Week 4.
Visit out Instagram to see your fellow challenger’s progress – and please remember to post your own pictures! Use the hashtag #TitanFitness30DayChallenge and you could be featured on our Instagram!